HELP!! SOS!!! I am a hostage in my own house!
Well, I guess I asked for it...the girls seem to finally be on a nap schedule. We have discovered our magic number of wakefulness is 90 minutes. So now they take 4 naps a day, at approximately 9:00, 11:30, 2:00, and 4:30. On this schedule with four 45 minute naps, they are such happy, well-rested babies. They are fun to be around and there is very little, if any, fussing, BUT the problem is that with only a 90 minute window, it is nearly impossible to make plans outside of the house. I have not left the house since Saturday!
When you factor into those 90 minutes the time it takes to feed, change diapers and actually get out the door, that leaves us with only about an hour. Then factor into that hour the time it takes to get to and from any location (at LEAST 15 minutes each way) I'm left with only 30 minutes! I will still be able to meet for my weekly walks with Damiane' since that is nearby (I don't know what I'll do when she moves in April !) I can also make short trips to the commissary or Target, but anything outside of a 15 minute radius will put us off schedule, and now that we actually HAVE a schedule, I don't want to mess with it! Thus I am a prisoner of the naps....
Luckily we have recently become friends with a family that lives here on the base. We met them through Aidan's t-ball team last year. They have a son in Aidan's class, an adorable 3 year old daughter, and an 8 month old daughter. They came over a few weeks ago and we all had a great time, even Sean (Mr. Anti-social) enjoyed himself! We plan on having them over again this Sunday. If I can't go OUT and have a life, I'll have to bring people here to me, lol!
I mentioned in my 5 month blog that Cassidy has recently discovered her voice. She shrieks and yells at us all day! And we thought she was going to be the quiet one... HA! I finally caught her on camera today. I'm just now learning how to use the video feature on my new camera!