The trip here was better than anticipated, but I am glad we have six weeks before we have to do it all over again. The girls did pretty well from Tampa to Dallas. They slept in the airport before we boarded and Aidan and I were able to keep them happy and entertained during the flight. Our three hour layover wasn't too bad. After a lengthy walk around the terminal and a bit of crying, both girls went to sleep and Aidan and I had time to grab some dinner. The flight from Dallas to Tucson did not go well. About 30 minutes into the flight both girls were way overtired and had simultaneous meltdowns. They finally went to sleep after about 30 minutes of crying and lots of juggling of babies (since only one had a seat.) Thankfully everyone was very understanding. In fact, it was amazing how helpful and sympathetic most people were throughout the trip!
The girls took to their Aunt Jenna, Uncle Chris and cousin Logan right away. Cassidy already reaches out her arms for Jenna to hold her, and Candace thinks Chris is hilarious. It has been so neat to watch all three babies playing and interacting. Logan is about two months younger than the girls, but already a little taller than them. He is absolutely gorgeous with the most amazing blue eyes! They are all three so adorable and have such unique personalities.
Unfortunately, we are still struggling with getting the girls adjusted to the time change and back into a routine. They woke up for the day at 5:30 am the first day we were here and then around 6:00 am the other days. Each day seems to be better than the last as they gradually adapt to the three hour difference, but nights have been a nightmare! They are sharing a room with us and have reverted to waking every 1-2 hours, and at least one girl each night has an hour or so where they refuse to go back to sleep. Needless to say, I am VERY tired! Thankfully, I do have a little more help during the day, and my sister and Sean took care of the girls for about an hour this morning so I could sleep.
We haven't really done anything exciting or post-worthy. It is very hard to coordinate around three babies naps and needs! We are mostly just enjoying being together and letting the babies play. The weather here has been beautiful so we did go to the park today. We also went with my sister to her baby group on Saturday. The girls got lots of attention and we enjoyed meeting other moms and babies. It made me realize just how small our girls are compared to singleton babies!
The girls turned 7 months on Friday so I will try to post again soon with their 7 month update!
Three Amigos!
Aunt Jenna & Cassidy playing peek-a-boo.
Logan with Candace's foot
Time to Eat!
I'm so happy you made it! So much for all that sleep training you did! I hope they adjust soon. Logan is adorable! He looks like a little man. So cute! The girls look so happy to have another playmate. Take advantage of the help and take a few naps!
Oh Nicole, I am glad that you made it and overall it went okay. Like you said you have 6 more weeks before having to do it again but at least you will know what to expect as far as getting around because I know that was a big obstacle for you. Logan is beautiful (and of course your girls are too) I can't believe he is only 5 months! He looks like he gets around pretty good with them! Can't wait to see more pics and here more about your trip.
Much love - Damiane'
Nicole, I am glad to hear you made it safe! Sorry you got off to a rocky start, but you have 6wks before you have to do it again and alot can happen in 6wks. Hopefully the girls will adjust to the time change and start sleeping well again!
Your nephew is adorable!
Have fun!!
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