Saturday, September 6, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Well, seeing as how we leave first thing tomorrow morning I SHOULD probably be packing, but unfortunately most of what I still need to pack are things we are still using (boosters, toys, etc.) Guess I'll be up late tonight!

Anyway, I have a few moments in between loads of laundry and cleaning, and I was thinking about Halloween, I'm a planner! I have a few cute ideas, but I'd love some feedback! I posted a poll on this page to the right, please vote and feel free to leave comments or suggestions.

Here's the pics of the costumes (or similar costumes) to what I had in mind....

Bunny & Kitty


Cow & Pig

Ladybug & Bumblebee


Arjun and Indira said...

Tough choices. I know Cassidy is obsessed with kitty cats so I am between that combo and the ladybug combo.

Safe and well wishes for your travel tomorrow. So glad the flight was changed so hopefully it won't be that bad. Many hugs for all of you!


jtguttman said...

You really expect us to choose from all those adorable outfits??? I wish I had girls! Hmm...what a tough choice! I'm partial to the flowers I think.

mrs.izzy said...

oh my gosh. I love the flowers costume since I've never seen one before. So cute!

Heather & Chaos said...

I bought the pig for my girls. Well one is going to be a pig and the other a lamb and my son is going to be a farmer. =) But I had to "clear" it through dh. If I had my choice I'd pick the ladybug and bumble bee. Those are too cute!

jenna said...

I don't think it is really an option anymore for us not to do the farm animal theme. Come on, duck, pig, cow? What is cuter than that combo. And... we know how to do the hick thing!