5:40 Wake Up, Eat Breakfast, Get Ready
6:15 Girls Wake Up
6:30 Wake Up Aidan
7:00 Off to Work
3:45 Get Home, Spend time with the girls
5:00 Girls eat dinner
5:30 Girls' Baths
6:00 Girls' Bedtime
6:30 Dinner for us
7:00 Clean Up Dinner
7:30 Shower
8:00 Unpack, Paint, Hang Pics, Etc.
9:00 Spend time with Sean (he is leaving in a few weeks after all!)
10:00 Bedtime
Thankfully, we are almost finished unpacking and Sean does a lot of the painting and errands during the day, so I am hoping to have a little more time soon. In fact, tonight I unpacked the last box (except for the hidden laundry room boxes, lol) which is why I am rewarding myself with a short break to blog!
I completely missed the girls' 11 month update post on the 23rd. Cassidy is now walking, actually sometimes she is even running, lol, and Candace has finally started standing independently. They still seem too tiny to be toddling around! Both girls say kitty-cat, dada, mama, yum, and uh-oh with accurate association for each about 90% of the time. They interact a lot more with each other and steal toys, share toys, wrestle, giggle at each other, and talk to each other regularly. Cassidy has discovered how to point and points at everything, calling most things "kitty-cat." Cassidy is the kissing queen and although Candace can also give kisses, she is more stingy with them and reserves them mostly just for her daddy. Both girls can also wave bye-bye. They are eating mostly all finger foods, but are still nursing four times a day and a couple of times at night... only about three weeks to our one year breastfeeding goal! Their favorite foods are peas, carrots, cheese, noodles, and bananas. Their favorite things at 11 months are peek-a-boo, books, music and dancing, cats, and any sort of silliness! They are learning new things every day and I am endlessly amazed with their cleverness and cuteness!
They are at a very fun age and I am so sad that I miss so much of it during the day.
They are doing great with the nanny. She is absolutely wonderful! We couldn't have asked for a better person to care for them, but it is still SO hard to leave them all day.
Yikes, my few minutes are up! I will try to write again soon!
Here are the few pics I've had time to take and upload...
Getting into Trouble with Cousin Logan (they came over to help paint!)
They (mostly Cassidy) like to pull all the toys off this shelf and climb on it!